Marie H Designs just released a new series of gorgeous mini kit! This series is called "You are a Gem" and it is for every birthstones. Every 1 or 2 weeks a new one will be released. Here is January. You can get it at Ginger Scraps and Digiscrap Drive-in also at 40 % off.
I love the color combination of this kit. I think maroon and black really get along quite well creating a kind of royal feeling of the layouts. Since January is my father's birth month, I've decided to create a tribute for him as a reminder of how wise he was.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
How to Become Creative Team
Tips Hemat di dunia Digi Scrap
Teman : “Nad, tiap hari kok bisa posting scrapbook di FB pake kit yang beda-beda, belanja kit melulu ya? Kaya banget sih lo...”
Aku : “Nggak kok. Aku malah jarang banget belanja sejak jadi CT.”
Teman : “Siti? Siti Fatimah apa Siti Mariam? Makhluk apaan tuh?”
Aku : “Hahaha... CT itu Creative Team. CT dibutuhkan sama desainer kit untuk membuat sampel layout. Jadi pas produk teranyarnya diluncurkan di toko, si desainer menampilkan layout hasil karya CT-nya juga. So, calon pembeli jadi punya gambaran contoh layout yang bisa dihasilkan dari kit tersebut. Gitu lho...”
Teman : ”Terus, kita dapat kit dia gratis maksudnya?”
Nadia : “Heeh. Kaya simbiosis mutualisma, semua pihak untung. Sebagai imbalan dari kit yang CT terima, CT membuat layout untuk desainer, meng-uploadnya di galeri dan posting informasi kit tersebut di forum digi-scrap.”
Teman : “Asyiknya! Tapi kayanya layout kita harus keren dulu ya baru bisa diterima jadi CT? Buat para pemula mana bisa jadi CT, ntar malah mau-maluin lagi...
Nadia : “Nggak juga tuh. Aku baru mulai belajar digi-scrap bulan Agustus karena ikutan “Tantangan 30 Hari”-nya Klub Oase di Facebook. Terus September latihan ngulik layout. Bulan Oktober, daftar forum Ginger Scraps dan mulai aktif nyobain tantangan dan upload layout di galerinya sambil nekat ngelamar jadi CT. Eh, diterima... Awal November udah jadi Guest CT Marie H Designs (salah satu desainer di Ginger Scrap) dan Permanent CT toko Wilma4Ever (multi desainer).”
Teman : ”Emang bisa yang ngedobel CT untuk banyak desainer?”
Nadia : ”Ya, sesuai dengan kesanggupan kita aja. Ada tuh CT yang desainnya sampai selusin... Buset, gimana tuh ya manajemen waktunya?”
Teman : ”Kayaknya seru juga ya jadi CT. Caranya gimana sih?”
Nadia : ”Simak deh tips di bawah ini.”
1. Jadilah member toko digi-scrap yang berkulitas dan rajinlah upload layout ke galerinya. Galeri adalah modal utama kita untuk melamar jadi CT. Walaupun kita nggak punya blog tapi kalau galeri kita berkualitas, pasti desainer bakal melirik deh! Toko biasanya suka ngasih welcome kit buat member barunya. Coba deh cek di forumnya, pasti banyak info yang bisa didapat di situ. Nah, bisa kita pakai buat layout perdana kan? Contoh toko yang aku suka datangi adalah :
a. Ginger Scraps
b. Scrappity-Doo-Dah
c. Wilma4ever (yang terakhir ini lagi cari CT buat store-nya, you can try your luck here :)
2. Mulailah blogging di Blogger dan upload hasil karya kita di sana juga. Blog bukan syarat mutlak untuk jadi CT, lho! Banyak juga CT yang nggak punya blog tapi tetap eksis.
3. Daftar jadi member di DST dan mulai aktif pasang mata di forumnya. Siapa tahu ada desainer atau toko yang posting CT Call. Ada 3 jenis Call : One Kit Call (OKC), Guest CT dan Permanent CT. OKC terbatas hanya untuk satu kit saja, jadi kita nggak terikat sama desainer yang bersangkutan... frelance gitulah! Guest CT biasanya hanya dikontrak sekitar 2-3 bulan kalau lagi peak season. Permanent CT, ya setara dengan full time worker yang kontraknya tidak ada jangka waktunya. Oh iya, untuk CT toko, kita bekerja untuk desainer-desainer toko tersebut, jadi kit yang kita dapat juga lebih beragam tapi kewajibannya juga lebih berat dari CT desainer tunggal. Contohnya, harus aktif di forum toko tersebut, harus ikut menyelenggarakan challenge, dll.
4. Sebelum mengirim email untuk melamar jadi CT, pastikan baca dulu deskripsi kerjanya. Nggak semua desainer punya ketentuan yang sama. Standarnya sih :
- posting 1 layout per 1 produk, minimal 3 layout per bulan
- upload layout di galeri toko tersebut dan Open Gallery lain (biasanya DST dan DSA)
- enabling ( = posting info kit) di forum digi scrap umum (biasanya DST dan DSA)
- posting di blog, facebook, tweeter, dll... marketing biasalah!
- aktif di forum seperti posting komentar, bersedia menjadi chalenge host, dll.
5. Jangan lupa mencantumkan informasi penting seperti yang aku kutip dari FAQ di DST ini:
- if you are interested/available for permanent or guest position
- if you have a time limitation (like "only after September", or something like that)
- if you have a particular preference to CT for a single designer or for a store
- if you have a preference for a particular style of scrapping
- a link to your gallery if it is not at DST
- what graphic program you are using (since some stores/designers have some software specific products they might a CT to use)
- any other information you might feel would help a designer/store owner pick you as a good match for their need.
And since you might be contacted by designers/store owners, make sure you check your PM regularly (you might want to make sure you are getting email notification for PMs so you dont miss them). And remember that as much as scrappers like to receive an answer from designers/stores they apply to, designers/store owners would greatly appreciate a reply from you if they contact you.
At one point, if you are no longer available, make sure you make a clear indication that you cannot commit anymore. That way, you will not be invited or contacted multiple of times once you cannot add any more team or requirements to your schedule. This will be most beneficial for you (so you dont get requests you cannot consider) and for designers/store owners who might end up inviting someone who is not available.
Ini adalah contoh email yang aku kirim :
Hi... My name is Nadia. I’m from Indonesia. I’m a mom of 3 kids and a part-time English teacher. I love reading, photography and of course digi-scrapping. I’ve been digi-scrapping for the past one year and my preference style is fantasy and pop-style with extraction and blending technique. I use Photoshop CS 5 to design all my pages.
I love to be in your team because I just adore your kits and being your CT would be such an honour to me. I’d prefer to fill the GUEST CT position first for about 3 months. That way if you’re not happy with my work, you can always release me without fuss ...:) But of course if you’re satisfied with my service, I’d be happy to fill in for more permanent position.
Blog :
Facebook :!/profile.php?id=1317159255
My galleries :
1. GS :
2. DST :
Current CT position :
1. Marie H Designs (at Ginger Scraps)
2. Wilma4ever store
3. Melie Designs (at Digital-Crea)
4. PictureDesigns (at Scrappity-Doo-Dah)
Thank you for the chance to join your team.
Swasti Nadia
Ehm, apalagi ya... oh iya, kalau masih ragu juga, bisa lihat link ini :
Good luck
Teman : “Nad, tiap hari kok bisa posting scrapbook di FB pake kit yang beda-beda, belanja kit melulu ya? Kaya banget sih lo...”
Aku : “Nggak kok. Aku malah jarang banget belanja sejak jadi CT.”
Teman : “Siti? Siti Fatimah apa Siti Mariam? Makhluk apaan tuh?”
Aku : “Hahaha... CT itu Creative Team. CT dibutuhkan sama desainer kit untuk membuat sampel layout. Jadi pas produk teranyarnya diluncurkan di toko, si desainer menampilkan layout hasil karya CT-nya juga. So, calon pembeli jadi punya gambaran contoh layout yang bisa dihasilkan dari kit tersebut. Gitu lho...”
Teman : ”Terus, kita dapat kit dia gratis maksudnya?”
Nadia : “Heeh. Kaya simbiosis mutualisma, semua pihak untung. Sebagai imbalan dari kit yang CT terima, CT membuat layout untuk desainer, meng-uploadnya di galeri dan posting informasi kit tersebut di forum digi-scrap.”
Teman : “Asyiknya! Tapi kayanya layout kita harus keren dulu ya baru bisa diterima jadi CT? Buat para pemula mana bisa jadi CT, ntar malah mau-maluin lagi...
Nadia : “Nggak juga tuh. Aku baru mulai belajar digi-scrap bulan Agustus karena ikutan “Tantangan 30 Hari”-nya Klub Oase di Facebook. Terus September latihan ngulik layout. Bulan Oktober, daftar forum Ginger Scraps dan mulai aktif nyobain tantangan dan upload layout di galerinya sambil nekat ngelamar jadi CT. Eh, diterima... Awal November udah jadi Guest CT Marie H Designs (salah satu desainer di Ginger Scrap) dan Permanent CT toko Wilma4Ever (multi desainer).”
Teman : ”Emang bisa yang ngedobel CT untuk banyak desainer?”
Nadia : ”Ya, sesuai dengan kesanggupan kita aja. Ada tuh CT yang desainnya sampai selusin... Buset, gimana tuh ya manajemen waktunya?”
Teman : ”Kayaknya seru juga ya jadi CT. Caranya gimana sih?”
Nadia : ”Simak deh tips di bawah ini.”
1. Jadilah member toko digi-scrap yang berkulitas dan rajinlah upload layout ke galerinya. Galeri adalah modal utama kita untuk melamar jadi CT. Walaupun kita nggak punya blog tapi kalau galeri kita berkualitas, pasti desainer bakal melirik deh! Toko biasanya suka ngasih welcome kit buat member barunya. Coba deh cek di forumnya, pasti banyak info yang bisa didapat di situ. Nah, bisa kita pakai buat layout perdana kan? Contoh toko yang aku suka datangi adalah :
a. Ginger Scraps
b. Scrappity-Doo-Dah
c. Wilma4ever (yang terakhir ini lagi cari CT buat store-nya, you can try your luck here :)
2. Mulailah blogging di Blogger dan upload hasil karya kita di sana juga. Blog bukan syarat mutlak untuk jadi CT, lho! Banyak juga CT yang nggak punya blog tapi tetap eksis.
3. Daftar jadi member di DST dan mulai aktif pasang mata di forumnya. Siapa tahu ada desainer atau toko yang posting CT Call. Ada 3 jenis Call : One Kit Call (OKC), Guest CT dan Permanent CT. OKC terbatas hanya untuk satu kit saja, jadi kita nggak terikat sama desainer yang bersangkutan... frelance gitulah! Guest CT biasanya hanya dikontrak sekitar 2-3 bulan kalau lagi peak season. Permanent CT, ya setara dengan full time worker yang kontraknya tidak ada jangka waktunya. Oh iya, untuk CT toko, kita bekerja untuk desainer-desainer toko tersebut, jadi kit yang kita dapat juga lebih beragam tapi kewajibannya juga lebih berat dari CT desainer tunggal. Contohnya, harus aktif di forum toko tersebut, harus ikut menyelenggarakan challenge, dll.
4. Sebelum mengirim email untuk melamar jadi CT, pastikan baca dulu deskripsi kerjanya. Nggak semua desainer punya ketentuan yang sama. Standarnya sih :
- posting 1 layout per 1 produk, minimal 3 layout per bulan
- upload layout di galeri toko tersebut dan Open Gallery lain (biasanya DST dan DSA)
- enabling ( = posting info kit) di forum digi scrap umum (biasanya DST dan DSA)
- posting di blog, facebook, tweeter, dll... marketing biasalah!
- aktif di forum seperti posting komentar, bersedia menjadi chalenge host, dll.
5. Jangan lupa mencantumkan informasi penting seperti yang aku kutip dari FAQ di DST ini:
- if you are interested/available for permanent or guest position
- if you have a time limitation (like "only after September", or something like that)
- if you have a particular preference to CT for a single designer or for a store
- if you have a preference for a particular style of scrapping
- a link to your gallery if it is not at DST
- what graphic program you are using (since some stores/designers have some software specific products they might a CT to use)
- any other information you might feel would help a designer/store owner pick you as a good match for their need.
And since you might be contacted by designers/store owners, make sure you check your PM regularly (you might want to make sure you are getting email notification for PMs so you dont miss them). And remember that as much as scrappers like to receive an answer from designers/stores they apply to, designers/store owners would greatly appreciate a reply from you if they contact you.
At one point, if you are no longer available, make sure you make a clear indication that you cannot commit anymore. That way, you will not be invited or contacted multiple of times once you cannot add any more team or requirements to your schedule. This will be most beneficial for you (so you dont get requests you cannot consider) and for designers/store owners who might end up inviting someone who is not available.
Ini adalah contoh email yang aku kirim :
Hi... My name is Nadia. I’m from Indonesia. I’m a mom of 3 kids and a part-time English teacher. I love reading, photography and of course digi-scrapping. I’ve been digi-scrapping for the past one year and my preference style is fantasy and pop-style with extraction and blending technique. I use Photoshop CS 5 to design all my pages.
I love to be in your team because I just adore your kits and being your CT would be such an honour to me. I’d prefer to fill the GUEST CT position first for about 3 months. That way if you’re not happy with my work, you can always release me without fuss ...:) But of course if you’re satisfied with my service, I’d be happy to fill in for more permanent position.
Blog :
Facebook :!/profile.php?id=1317159255
My galleries :
1. GS :
2. DST :
Current CT position :
1. Marie H Designs (at Ginger Scraps)
2. Wilma4ever store
3. Melie Designs (at Digital-Crea)
4. PictureDesigns (at Scrappity-Doo-Dah)
Thank you for the chance to join your team.
Swasti Nadia
Ehm, apalagi ya... oh iya, kalau masih ragu juga, bisa lihat link ini :
Good luck
Friday, December 30, 2011
Digital Scrapbooking Manual
I found this precious manual from the Daily Digi. It is said there :
The FREE Digital Scrapbooking Manual is a resource filled with information we wished we would have known when we started digital scrapbooking. We asked digital scrapbookers and designers from around the community what they wished they would have known in the beginning and we share that information with you; expanding on it to save you from making the same mistakes we did. What would our team members do over? What do Ali Edwards, CD Muckosky, Peppermint Granberg (One Little Bird), Katrina Kennedy, Kayla Lamoreaux, Debbie Hodge, Krista Sahlin, Jenn Barrette, SuzyQScraps, (and more) wish they would have known in the beginning? Come find out! The Digital Scrapbooking Manual is a free gift brought to you by The Daily Digi.
It cover all Digi Scrap topics such as :
1. What is Digital Scrapbooking?
2. Freebies
3. Downloading and Unzipping
4. Backing Up
5. Shopping
6. Organizing
7. How to start scrapping
Looking back, I really should have read this first before I began digi scrap 4 months ago... lol :) I especially like the last part of this manual titled "What I wish I knew from the start", that contains designers and digi scrappers list of wishes in the past. Well, better late than never....
The FREE Digital Scrapbooking Manual is a resource filled with information we wished we would have known when we started digital scrapbooking. We asked digital scrapbookers and designers from around the community what they wished they would have known in the beginning and we share that information with you; expanding on it to save you from making the same mistakes we did. What would our team members do over? What do Ali Edwards, CD Muckosky, Peppermint Granberg (One Little Bird), Katrina Kennedy, Kayla Lamoreaux, Debbie Hodge, Krista Sahlin, Jenn Barrette, SuzyQScraps, (and more) wish they would have known in the beginning? Come find out! The Digital Scrapbooking Manual is a free gift brought to you by The Daily Digi.
It cover all Digi Scrap topics such as :
1. What is Digital Scrapbooking?
2. Freebies
3. Downloading and Unzipping
4. Backing Up
5. Shopping
6. Organizing
7. How to start scrapping
Looking back, I really should have read this first before I began digi scrap 4 months ago... lol :) I especially like the last part of this manual titled "What I wish I knew from the start", that contains designers and digi scrappers list of wishes in the past. Well, better late than never....
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Freebies : Christmas Song and Joyfully
Hi everyone.... Looking for Quick Pages to scrap those wonderful Christmas photos? Here I got some QP for you. Hope you'll like them!
This QP is made with Christmas Song by Wilma4ever. Download here.
If you want to see the finished layout for inspiration, you can look here.
This QP is made with joyfully by PictureDesigns. Download here.
If you want to see the finished layout for inspiration, you can look here.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Guide to DigiScrap Shopping
Apa enaknya jadi member toko?
Siapa sih yang nggak demen Window Shopping? Kantong boleh kering, tapi cuci mata kan nggak dilarang... :). Apalagi kalau etalasenya keren, up to date dan dekorasinya yang cantik kayak menyihir kita untuk berlama-lama di situ. Ditambah mbak-mbak pramuniaga yang ramah dan selalu siap membantu kita, nggak nyinyir atau pasang tampang judes lihat orang udik kok masuk branded store... hiks, pengalaman
Hobi baruku sekarang Window Shopping kit digi-scrap di dunia maya alias internet shops. Walaupun nggak ada rencana beli, senang aja browsing sambil ngiler ngeliat kit-kit yang unik. Kalau kepengen banget, tinggal di-klik masuk ke WISH LIST. Berharap suatu saat ada desainer baik hati yang lagi ngadain Random Act of Kindness (RAK) dan tiba-tiba kita udah dikirimin kupon gratis untuk memboyong kit impian :). Atau paling nggak nunggu ada SALE supaya dapat harga miring...
Menurut aku, header online shop itu fungsinya setara dengan etalase. Kalau etalasenya aja suram dan ketinggalan zaman, udah pasti males deh untuk melangkahkan kaki masuk ke dalamnya. Udah ilfil duluan... ya, kan? Nah, kalau udah berhasil menggiring calon pelanggan masuk ke dalam, barulah giliran produk dan penjualnya beraksi. Produknya kudu yang berkualitas dan up to date sesuai fashion yang lagi in. Begitu pula penjualnya, harus familiar dengan produk jualannya dan siap kasih saran buat pelanggannya. Hal inilah yang diterapkan oleh toko digi scrap online.
Toko digi scrap online yang berkualitas biasanya dilengkapi dengan BLOG, FORUM dan GALERI. Blog fungsinya seperti brosur yang menginformasikan produk terbaru, potongan harga atau special event yang lagi happening. Salah satu hal yang membuat pelanggan tertarik untuk mengecek blog setiap hari adalah Daily Download. Satu kit dipecah menjadi 30-31 bagian dan link-nya diupload setiap hari untuk pelanggan yang senang ngumpulin freebies.
Forum adalah tempat hang out-nya pelanggan dan penjual toko. Di sini kita bisa belajar teknik digi scrap via tutorial, tanya info kit, nyobain tantangan atau sekedar chatting dengan ibu2 RT dari seluruh dunia. Desainer toko yang lagi butuh Creative Team juga suka posting di forum, lho. Begitulah caranya aku dapat kit gratis, karena diterima jadi CT member. Jadi sebelum produknya diluncurkan, desainer meminta para CT untuk membuat contoh layout biar para pelanggan tertarik. Serupa dengan manequin di etalase toko baju yang didandanin cakep biar yang ngeliat kabita dan secara impulsif membelinya walaupun belum tahu kapan mau memakainya...hehehe..
Galeri adalah tempat para pelanggan yang sudah menjadi member meng-upload hasil karyanya. Ada Open Gallery yang mengizinkan member mencatumkan link produk toko lain, ada juga Close Gallery yang mengisyaratkan member untuk hanya menampilkan layout produk tokonya. Galeri ini bisa jadi sumber inspirasi layout kita kalau lagi binggung nggak ada ide, lho! Serunya lagi, kita bisa dapat komentar beragam dari member lain yangmembuat kita tambah semangat untuk berkarya. Bahkan, kalau layout kita super keren, karya kita bisa terpilih jadi Layout of The Week (LOTW)! Hadiahnya lumayan bo’, kupon gratis sebesar $5-$10 ! Hayo, siapa yang nggak suka gratisan... hehehe...
Hal yang aku suka dari toko digi scrap online adalah :
1. Tema/dekorasi toko yang unik
Waktu pertama kali aku terdampar di Ginger Scrap, kepincutlah aku sama header-nya. Tema ginger cookies-nya kerasa banget, sampai aku berhalusinasi mencium wanginya kue jahe... hehehe. Slogannya juga unik : recipes for scrapbooking bliss. Pas browsing menu produknya, ternyata juga berbau-bau cookies seperti FreshBaked, GingerScraps Buffet, One Dollar Bake, dll. Bahkan para stafnya juga punya sebutan khusus. Head Baker (=site manager), GingerBread Girls (Creative Team), SugarCookies dan SnickerDoodles (Praise Team dan Ad Team). Lucu kan? Member forum juga dikasih label lho berdasarkan keaktifan kita mem-posting komentar atau layout. Mulai dari Kitchen Assistant *I’m new here* (posting 1- 50), Prep Cook *I know my way around the kitchen* (posting 51- 100), Sous Chef *Kitchen is my second home* (posting 101- 150), dst... Serasa ikutan Masterchef deh!
GingerScraps - The Friendliest Place in DigiScrap Land! Sit back, relax, chat about life, or challenge yourself with one of our many monthly challenges. Join us for weekly Speed Scraps. We host the Official Scrapping Survivor. Ignite your creativity!!
Toko lain yang temanya unik adalah :
1. theStudio - for the artist in us all. Di sini jenis member mulai dari theStudio Scribbler, Artist, Picasso dll.
theStudio - We are an Online Digital Scrapbooking Supply store specializing in high quality Digital Scrapbooking Designs. We have an enormously talented Design Team to bring you a variety of styles to choose from. We also have a very active forum, full of challenge
2. scraporchard - save a tree go gree scrap digital.
Di sini lain lagi labelnya : Honey Bee, Fresh Fruit, Mixed Fruit Megas, Perfect Pears, dll.
Tema label membernya adalah jenis-jenis permen : Jelly Bean (posting 0-30), Hershey Kiss (posting 31-75), Certs (posting 76-108), Whatchamacallit (posting 109-155), Jolly Rancher (156-...), Raisinet, Peppermint, dll.
Scrappity-Doo-Dah - Come splash with us in our bird bath. A forum full of fun, and our gallery of inspiration, with a store full of great products.
2. Tantangan(challenge) forum yang beragam
Setiap toko pasti dilengkapi dengan beragam tantangan yang digelar di forumnya. Yang jadi host tantangan tersebut biasanya desainer kit yang produknya dijual di toko tersebut. Kadangkala desainer tersebut memberikan contoh atau mini kit bagi para member yang berpartisipasi di tantangan yang disponsorinya. Coba deh ikut salah satu forum seru di bawah ini :
- theStudio forum : setiap akhir bulan peserta tantangan akan mendapat diskon 10%
- Ginger Scraps forum : setiap akhir bulan, poin setiap tantangan yang diikuti akan dihitung, bila sudah mencapai 26 otomatis mendapat kupon $5.
- Scrappity-Doo-Dah forum : setiap akhir bulan, poin setiap tantangan yang diikuti akan dihitung, bila sudah mencapai 500 otomatis mendapat kupon $5.
So, tunggu apa lagi? Gabung dong jadi member...!
Siapa sih yang nggak demen Window Shopping? Kantong boleh kering, tapi cuci mata kan nggak dilarang... :). Apalagi kalau etalasenya keren, up to date dan dekorasinya yang cantik kayak menyihir kita untuk berlama-lama di situ. Ditambah mbak-mbak pramuniaga yang ramah dan selalu siap membantu kita, nggak nyinyir atau pasang tampang judes lihat orang udik kok masuk branded store... hiks, pengalaman
Hobi baruku sekarang Window Shopping kit digi-scrap di dunia maya alias internet shops. Walaupun nggak ada rencana beli, senang aja browsing sambil ngiler ngeliat kit-kit yang unik. Kalau kepengen banget, tinggal di-klik masuk ke WISH LIST. Berharap suatu saat ada desainer baik hati yang lagi ngadain Random Act of Kindness (RAK) dan tiba-tiba kita udah dikirimin kupon gratis untuk memboyong kit impian :). Atau paling nggak nunggu ada SALE supaya dapat harga miring...
Menurut aku, header online shop itu fungsinya setara dengan etalase. Kalau etalasenya aja suram dan ketinggalan zaman, udah pasti males deh untuk melangkahkan kaki masuk ke dalamnya. Udah ilfil duluan... ya, kan? Nah, kalau udah berhasil menggiring calon pelanggan masuk ke dalam, barulah giliran produk dan penjualnya beraksi. Produknya kudu yang berkualitas dan up to date sesuai fashion yang lagi in. Begitu pula penjualnya, harus familiar dengan produk jualannya dan siap kasih saran buat pelanggannya. Hal inilah yang diterapkan oleh toko digi scrap online.
Toko digi scrap online yang berkualitas biasanya dilengkapi dengan BLOG, FORUM dan GALERI. Blog fungsinya seperti brosur yang menginformasikan produk terbaru, potongan harga atau special event yang lagi happening. Salah satu hal yang membuat pelanggan tertarik untuk mengecek blog setiap hari adalah Daily Download. Satu kit dipecah menjadi 30-31 bagian dan link-nya diupload setiap hari untuk pelanggan yang senang ngumpulin freebies.
Forum adalah tempat hang out-nya pelanggan dan penjual toko. Di sini kita bisa belajar teknik digi scrap via tutorial, tanya info kit, nyobain tantangan atau sekedar chatting dengan ibu2 RT dari seluruh dunia. Desainer toko yang lagi butuh Creative Team juga suka posting di forum, lho. Begitulah caranya aku dapat kit gratis, karena diterima jadi CT member. Jadi sebelum produknya diluncurkan, desainer meminta para CT untuk membuat contoh layout biar para pelanggan tertarik. Serupa dengan manequin di etalase toko baju yang didandanin cakep biar yang ngeliat kabita dan secara impulsif membelinya walaupun belum tahu kapan mau memakainya...hehehe..
Galeri adalah tempat para pelanggan yang sudah menjadi member meng-upload hasil karyanya. Ada Open Gallery yang mengizinkan member mencatumkan link produk toko lain, ada juga Close Gallery yang mengisyaratkan member untuk hanya menampilkan layout produk tokonya. Galeri ini bisa jadi sumber inspirasi layout kita kalau lagi binggung nggak ada ide, lho! Serunya lagi, kita bisa dapat komentar beragam dari member lain yangmembuat kita tambah semangat untuk berkarya. Bahkan, kalau layout kita super keren, karya kita bisa terpilih jadi Layout of The Week (LOTW)! Hadiahnya lumayan bo’, kupon gratis sebesar $5-$10 ! Hayo, siapa yang nggak suka gratisan... hehehe...
Hal yang aku suka dari toko digi scrap online adalah :
1. Tema/dekorasi toko yang unik
Waktu pertama kali aku terdampar di Ginger Scrap, kepincutlah aku sama header-nya. Tema ginger cookies-nya kerasa banget, sampai aku berhalusinasi mencium wanginya kue jahe... hehehe. Slogannya juga unik : recipes for scrapbooking bliss. Pas browsing menu produknya, ternyata juga berbau-bau cookies seperti FreshBaked, GingerScraps Buffet, One Dollar Bake, dll. Bahkan para stafnya juga punya sebutan khusus. Head Baker (=site manager), GingerBread Girls (Creative Team), SugarCookies dan SnickerDoodles (Praise Team dan Ad Team). Lucu kan? Member forum juga dikasih label lho berdasarkan keaktifan kita mem-posting komentar atau layout. Mulai dari Kitchen Assistant *I’m new here* (posting 1- 50), Prep Cook *I know my way around the kitchen* (posting 51- 100), Sous Chef *Kitchen is my second home* (posting 101- 150), dst... Serasa ikutan Masterchef deh!
GingerScraps - The Friendliest Place in DigiScrap Land! Sit back, relax, chat about life, or challenge yourself with one of our many monthly challenges. Join us for weekly Speed Scraps. We host the Official Scrapping Survivor. Ignite your creativity!!
Toko lain yang temanya unik adalah :
1. theStudio - for the artist in us all. Di sini jenis member mulai dari theStudio Scribbler, Artist, Picasso dll.
theStudio - We are an Online Digital Scrapbooking Supply store specializing in high quality Digital Scrapbooking Designs. We have an enormously talented Design Team to bring you a variety of styles to choose from. We also have a very active forum, full of challenge
2. scraporchard - save a tree go gree scrap digital.

Tema label membernya adalah jenis-jenis permen : Jelly Bean (posting 0-30), Hershey Kiss (posting 31-75), Certs (posting 76-108), Whatchamacallit (posting 109-155), Jolly Rancher (156-...), Raisinet, Peppermint, dll.
Scrappity-Doo-Dah - Come splash with us in our bird bath. A forum full of fun, and our gallery of inspiration, with a store full of great products.
2. Tantangan(challenge) forum yang beragam
Setiap toko pasti dilengkapi dengan beragam tantangan yang digelar di forumnya. Yang jadi host tantangan tersebut biasanya desainer kit yang produknya dijual di toko tersebut. Kadangkala desainer tersebut memberikan contoh atau mini kit bagi para member yang berpartisipasi di tantangan yang disponsorinya. Coba deh ikut salah satu forum seru di bawah ini :
- theStudio forum : setiap akhir bulan peserta tantangan akan mendapat diskon 10%
- Ginger Scraps forum : setiap akhir bulan, poin setiap tantangan yang diikuti akan dihitung, bila sudah mencapai 26 otomatis mendapat kupon $5.
- Scrappity-Doo-Dah forum : setiap akhir bulan, poin setiap tantangan yang diikuti akan dihitung, bila sudah mencapai 500 otomatis mendapat kupon $5.
So, tunggu apa lagi? Gabung dong jadi member...!
Free Coupons for 3 Li'l Monsters Designs at CT Appreciation Week - DSA
Today, I spent my day browsing on 3 Li'l Monsters Designs store at Scrappity-Doo-Dah (SDD). Why? I've got 2 gift coupons from CT Appreciation Week event held at DigiscrapAddict (DSA) last November. Those 2 coupons worth $10 and these are kits that I bought with them :
Let's see what I will create with them in a few days :)
Few days later..... ta da (drum roles please.... ) inspired by the Work song from Cinderella soundtrack, this is my page with All Done kit :
In this layout Alyssa was showing me how to iron clothes at Student Lead Conference event 2 years ago. She was still in Avicenna Kindergarten back then. I also submitted this LO for December Template Challenge at SDD.
LOTD from Scrappity-Doo-Dah
On the morning of Christmas Day, I received this email in my BlackBerry :
Dear swastinadia,
You have received a new private message at Scrappity-Doo-Dah from hclappy, entitled "Congratulations on LOTD!". To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:
This is the message that was sent:
Congratulations on winning Layout of the Day at! We have a special blinkie for you to wear and show off your win! You can find your winning layout in our Spoon Full of Sugar Forum (!
Need some help adding it to your signature?
1.) Right click on the blinkie and select Copy Image Location
2.) Click on User CP from the Scrappity-doo-Dah Forum page
3.) Click on Edit Signature
4.) In the Edit Signature box, click on the Insert Image icon, then paste link
5. ) If you now click Preview Signature you'll see your blinkie above. Remember to Save Signature when you're done!
Best Wishes!
SDD Cardinal Team
She also commented on this thread : Today's LOTD goes to swastinadia for her LO Mother's Day. I love the blending and poem. The photos are sweet and it makes me want to make one for my mom :). Wow, what a nice surprise! I just join SDD on 15 December 2011, and I got LOTD 10 days after that. Yippie.... This is the layout that won LOTD :
This is a totally my lucky charm's layout! Not only that I gave this layout to my mother as Mother's Day gift, this piece also won me LOTD. How cool is that :). By the way, I use poem by Champagne S. Baker and growing love kit by PictureDesigns.
Dear swastinadia,
You have received a new private message at Scrappity-Doo-Dah from hclappy, entitled "Congratulations on LOTD!". To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:
This is the message that was sent:
Congratulations on winning Layout of the Day at! We have a special blinkie for you to wear and show off your win! You can find your winning layout in our Spoon Full of Sugar Forum (!
Need some help adding it to your signature?
1.) Right click on the blinkie and select Copy Image Location
2.) Click on User CP from the Scrappity-doo-Dah Forum page
3.) Click on Edit Signature
4.) In the Edit Signature box, click on the Insert Image icon, then paste link
5. ) If you now click Preview Signature you'll see your blinkie above. Remember to Save Signature when you're done!
Best Wishes!
SDD Cardinal Team
She also commented on this thread : Today's LOTD goes to swastinadia for her LO Mother's Day. I love the blending and poem. The photos are sweet and it makes me want to make one for my mom :). Wow, what a nice surprise! I just join SDD on 15 December 2011, and I got LOTD 10 days after that. Yippie.... This is the layout that won LOTD :
This is a totally my lucky charm's layout! Not only that I gave this layout to my mother as Mother's Day gift, this piece also won me LOTD. How cool is that :). By the way, I use poem by Champagne S. Baker and growing love kit by PictureDesigns.
OKC Sweet Little Girl by Chris' Scrap

Pink is not my cup of tea, but well I thought I could give it a try :). Seeing my layout using Acha and Adin's baby pictures made Alyssa felt a bit left behind. She asked me to work with her baby photos too. So, this is it... Wait until you see it, Ally....
Thursday, December 22, 2011
PictureDesigns : joyfully, growing love, Life is beautiful
My newest designer that I work as a CT for, Sandra from PictureDesigns, just released a new kit called joyfully. This huge kit is created in honour of the most magical time of the year. Included are 12 papers, 60 unique elements and 15 Wordlabels and WAs in traditional colours to preserve all of your wonderful christmas and holiday photos.
I used this kit to participate in one of SDD challenges : Wordart Lovin hosted by CLAUDIO. I love all the unique patterned papers in this kit... making it such a hard decision just to pick one :). Finally, I came up with this layout :
Other kit that I used to create my next page is this : growing love. She created this kit with her sweet little niece in mind. She is 15 month old now and her love for her is growing an growing every time she sees her... So this kit is perfect for scrapping all the sweet little (and bigger) girls in your life, your best friends, your furry friends or every kind of love-pages.
All elements are created in PNG-format and all papers in JPG-format (12x12 at 300 dpi) for perfect printing-quality. Included are: 12 papers, 45 unique elements (some come in different colours, so its a total of 58 elements), 9 WAs and 6 Word-labels (2 of them in different colours, so a total of 17). You will find frames, stamps, bows and ribbons, different flowers, doodle-stickers, a staple, a stich, a crown, tags, and much more in it...
Since today is Mother's Day in Indonesia, I made this layout and dedicate it to my lovely mom. Love you, mom... you're my inspiration! I used old pictures of she and baby me and my 3 years old me. I created this is in 10 inch x 8 inch size paper so I can print it and frame it to out in her office :)
The last kit I experimented for my layout is Life is beautiful. This is a colourful, versatile and huge kit with a lot of unique papers and elements. Everything is designed in a great quality for perfect printing results! Included are : 14 papers 12x12, more than 50 unique elements, 8 WordArts, 9 WordTags/WordLabels. Some elements come in more colours, so there is a total of 78 elements and WA included!
My niece, Salma, has perfect photos of her as a little-orange-riding-hood to create my layout. She is a very active toddler with lovely smile :). And here is my layout on her :
I used this kit to participate in one of SDD challenges : Wordart Lovin hosted by CLAUDIO. I love all the unique patterned papers in this kit... making it such a hard decision just to pick one :). Finally, I came up with this layout :
Other kit that I used to create my next page is this : growing love. She created this kit with her sweet little niece in mind. She is 15 month old now and her love for her is growing an growing every time she sees her... So this kit is perfect for scrapping all the sweet little (and bigger) girls in your life, your best friends, your furry friends or every kind of love-pages.
All elements are created in PNG-format and all papers in JPG-format (12x12 at 300 dpi) for perfect printing-quality. Included are: 12 papers, 45 unique elements (some come in different colours, so its a total of 58 elements), 9 WAs and 6 Word-labels (2 of them in different colours, so a total of 17). You will find frames, stamps, bows and ribbons, different flowers, doodle-stickers, a staple, a stich, a crown, tags, and much more in it...
Since today is Mother's Day in Indonesia, I made this layout and dedicate it to my lovely mom. Love you, mom... you're my inspiration! I used old pictures of she and baby me and my 3 years old me. I created this is in 10 inch x 8 inch size paper so I can print it and frame it to out in her office :)

My niece, Salma, has perfect photos of her as a little-orange-riding-hood to create my layout. She is a very active toddler with lovely smile :). And here is my layout on her :
Desember Progressive CHALLENGE at The Studio :12 Days 0f Christmas
Min (the host of this challenge) said, "Disclaimer: in case you're wondering (or worrying, LOL) - in this PS there won't be any maids, swans, pipers, lords, partridges, pear trees or similar involved. Also you will not be required to go a-milking, a-laying or a-swimming. You *are* required to do some a-leaping when you see all the gorgeous papers and elements I will give you in the next 12 days (you're welcome to have someone take your picture while you're a-leaping and post it here
, but that's not a requirement, LOL)!
We will be playing with theStudio's December Mega "Reindeer Games":
Here come the rules:
This progressive scrap will go on for 12 days. Each day I will give you a download link with some papers or elements you are required to use according to this day's instructions. Since this is the 12 Days of Christmas PS you will probably have guessed that there will be a lot of adding in the last days... so you might keep the resizing option in mind!!!
The first download is free, you will get the others via pm after completion of the day before. You can join in until Wednesday, but you have to complete the days to get the next download.
You can recolor and/or crop the pieces or change their opacity but you have to use them as specified in each day's instructions and once they're placed you are not allowed to move them. Make sure you save your layout in a .psd format so you are able to place new pieces below others if you should wish to do so.
On Dec 23rd I will post a poll to choose the winner who gets this month's Mega for free! There's also a participation prize for all of you who finish their layouts - you will get a coupon for 1 $ off this Mega."
Day 1 : Pick one paper as your background! (save the others for later)
Day 2 : Use 2 frames on your page! (regular version)
Use 11 frames on your page! (reverse version)
Day 3 : Add 3 reindeers to your page! (regular version)
Add 10 reindeers to your page! (reverse version)
Day 4 : Add 4 elements to your page, using today's download only! (regular version)
Add 9 elements to your page, using today's download only! (reverse version)
Day 5 : Add 5 elements to your page, using today's download only! (regular version)Add 8 elements to your page, using today's download only! (reverse version)
Day 6 : Add 6 geese to your page! (regular version)
Add 6 geese to your page - and one egg made from a paper from day 1 (so there are 7 elements to add today)! (reverse version)
Day 7 : Add 7 elements to your page, using today's download only! (regular version)
Add 6 elements to your page, using today's download only! (reverse version)
Day 8 : Add 8 elements or papers to your page, using at least one element of today's download (you may also use the downloads of the first seven days)! (regular version)
Add 5 elements or papers to your page, using at least one element of today's download (you may also use the downloads of the first seven days)! (reverse version)
Day 9 : Add 9 trees! (regular version)
Add 4 trees! (reverse version)
Day 10 : Decorate your layout with 10 ornaments! (regular version)
Decorate your layout with 3 ornaments! (reverse version)
Day 11: Add 11 snowflakes to your layout! (regular version)
Add 2 snowflakes to your layout! (reverse version)
Day 12 : Add 12 new elements to your layout - using today's download and/or a title (one word = one element)! (regular version)
Add 1 new element to your layout - using today's download and/or a title (one word = one element)! (reverse version)
A little advice to you who just start Progressive Scrap : start small. You can never guess what comes next :). Here are my layouts from Day 1 to 12 :
Day 1
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
I'm not too proud with the final look. It looks so cluttered :). Oh well, at least I finished it on time despite the store login problem I experienced for few hours on Day 11.
On the last post, Min explained, "This PS has been a little different than usual - so it's only logical the end will be different, too: There will be no poll!!!
Since it's (almost) Christmas and all of you worked very hard to create these beautiful pages - and I'm afraid it would be impossible to choose between them - I talked to Toiny and she generously agreed with me that all of you deserve to get the complete Studio Mega "Reindeer Games" for free!!!!!
Here, in Germany, we celebrate Christmas on the 24th (and on the 25th and the 26th, LOL) and that means I will be very busy and away from my computer. So your deadline to post your finished day 12 layout will be Friday, Dec 23rd. 4 pm EST. Upload it to the gallery and don't forget to leave a link here in this thread. That's when I will send out the coupon codes for all who finished in time.
I did post a sign-up thread for the QP exchange, with all the info and deadlines for that - since your page is already done it's really easy to participate, LOL.
The January PS will start one week later than usual, on Jan 15th - I'll be out of town and without internet access the weekend before."
Yippee... and guess what, I got her email on Christmas day with the coupon code to pick up the "Reindeer Games" for free! If you want to see creation of all participants you can go here.
Note :
On Day 11, I experienced Store Login Problems. Even though I've typed my login and password already, the store wouldn'nt let me reply thread. So this is the solution :
Store Login Problems?
Clear your cookies and Cache to avoid login problems when we have done updates in the store. Here's how in two favorite browsers :
If you are using Firefox you can clear your cookies by following these steps :
1. Click on Tools>Clear Recent History in the menu across the top of your browser.
2. Now tick the boxes next to cookies and cache.
3. Click clear now.
4. Close your browser now then open a new browser and go to the store and try and log in.
If you are using Internet Explorer:
1. Click on tools>Internet Options.
2. In the General Tab, find Browsing History, click the delete button.
3. In the window that comes up, tick cookies and temporary Internet files.
4. Click the delete button.
5. Close your browser then open a new browser window and try logging into the store again.

We will be playing with theStudio's December Mega "Reindeer Games":
Here come the rules:
This progressive scrap will go on for 12 days. Each day I will give you a download link with some papers or elements you are required to use according to this day's instructions. Since this is the 12 Days of Christmas PS you will probably have guessed that there will be a lot of adding in the last days... so you might keep the resizing option in mind!!!
The first download is free, you will get the others via pm after completion of the day before. You can join in until Wednesday, but you have to complete the days to get the next download.
You can recolor and/or crop the pieces or change their opacity but you have to use them as specified in each day's instructions and once they're placed you are not allowed to move them. Make sure you save your layout in a .psd format so you are able to place new pieces below others if you should wish to do so.
On Dec 23rd I will post a poll to choose the winner who gets this month's Mega for free! There's also a participation prize for all of you who finish their layouts - you will get a coupon for 1 $ off this Mega."
Day 1 : Pick one paper as your background! (save the others for later)
Day 2 : Use 2 frames on your page! (regular version)
Use 11 frames on your page! (reverse version)
Day 3 : Add 3 reindeers to your page! (regular version)
Add 10 reindeers to your page! (reverse version)
Day 4 : Add 4 elements to your page, using today's download only! (regular version)
Add 9 elements to your page, using today's download only! (reverse version)
Day 5 : Add 5 elements to your page, using today's download only! (regular version)Add 8 elements to your page, using today's download only! (reverse version)
Day 6 : Add 6 geese to your page! (regular version)
Add 6 geese to your page - and one egg made from a paper from day 1 (so there are 7 elements to add today)! (reverse version)
Day 7 : Add 7 elements to your page, using today's download only! (regular version)
Add 6 elements to your page, using today's download only! (reverse version)
Day 8 : Add 8 elements or papers to your page, using at least one element of today's download (you may also use the downloads of the first seven days)! (regular version)
Add 5 elements or papers to your page, using at least one element of today's download (you may also use the downloads of the first seven days)! (reverse version)
Day 9 : Add 9 trees! (regular version)
Add 4 trees! (reverse version)
Day 10 : Decorate your layout with 10 ornaments! (regular version)
Decorate your layout with 3 ornaments! (reverse version)
Day 11: Add 11 snowflakes to your layout! (regular version)
Add 2 snowflakes to your layout! (reverse version)
Day 12 : Add 12 new elements to your layout - using today's download and/or a title (one word = one element)! (regular version)
Add 1 new element to your layout - using today's download and/or a title (one word = one element)! (reverse version)
A little advice to you who just start Progressive Scrap : start small. You can never guess what comes next :). Here are my layouts from Day 1 to 12 :
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 11
Finally.... Day 12
I'm not too proud with the final look. It looks so cluttered :). Oh well, at least I finished it on time despite the store login problem I experienced for few hours on Day 11.
On the last post, Min explained, "This PS has been a little different than usual - so it's only logical the end will be different, too: There will be no poll!!!
Since it's (almost) Christmas and all of you worked very hard to create these beautiful pages - and I'm afraid it would be impossible to choose between them - I talked to Toiny and she generously agreed with me that all of you deserve to get the complete Studio Mega "Reindeer Games" for free!!!!!
Here, in Germany, we celebrate Christmas on the 24th (and on the 25th and the 26th, LOL) and that means I will be very busy and away from my computer. So your deadline to post your finished day 12 layout will be Friday, Dec 23rd. 4 pm EST. Upload it to the gallery and don't forget to leave a link here in this thread. That's when I will send out the coupon codes for all who finished in time.
I did post a sign-up thread for the QP exchange, with all the info and deadlines for that - since your page is already done it's really easy to participate, LOL.
The January PS will start one week later than usual, on Jan 15th - I'll be out of town and without internet access the weekend before."
Yippee... and guess what, I got her email on Christmas day with the coupon code to pick up the "Reindeer Games" for free! If you want to see creation of all participants you can go here.
Note :
On Day 11, I experienced Store Login Problems. Even though I've typed my login and password already, the store wouldn'nt let me reply thread. So this is the solution :
Store Login Problems?
Clear your cookies and Cache to avoid login problems when we have done updates in the store. Here's how in two favorite browsers :
If you are using Firefox you can clear your cookies by following these steps :
1. Click on Tools>Clear Recent History in the menu across the top of your browser.
2. Now tick the boxes next to cookies and cache.
3. Click clear now.
4. Close your browser now then open a new browser and go to the store and try and log in.
If you are using Internet Explorer:
1. Click on tools>Internet Options.
2. In the General Tab, find Browsing History, click the delete button.
3. In the window that comes up, tick cookies and temporary Internet files.
4. Click the delete button.
5. Close your browser then open a new browser window and try logging into the store again.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Mélie Design : La magie de noël

Perhaps in a couple of months, I would be able to master some phrases in Frence. I already knew this : Superbe, très jolie mise en page ! Hahaha.... do I sound like a French yet?
OK... the first kit is called La magie de noël and this kit captures the beauty of winter with combination of blue and white color. It has 7 papers and 60 beautiful elements. You can find pine trees, chandelier, ribbons, etc but my favorite element is the white cat... It's so cute... This kit can be found here and is currently on 61% sale from €3.80 to €1.50.
The second kit is actually the Ad on La magie de noël. It contains 5 more gorgeous papers with 29 pretty elements. When I first saw the elements, my eyes instantly fell on the porcelain angel and the cluster of dark blue hearst. Of course I used both in my layout. I created this page using my son's 10-years-ago pictures , when he was still a baby. It reminds me of how fast time flies... I'm really getting old, am I? Anyway, this kit is FREE for now and you can snatch it here.
Both kit are released on December 19th in her store, Digital-Crea, and you can find them here. It's a French shop, but don't worry... the shop also has the English version! Just click on the English flag located on the top left page and you'll be fine :). Finally, these 2 are my layouts :
Wilma4Ever : GJ-Kit Underconstruction by Galerie de Jackie

This is another wonderful kit from a very productive designer, Galerie de Jackie, at Wilma4Ever. I choose this kit because I need it to scrap my Kidzania trip (again... I have so many photos there that are just adorable not to scrap!! There are 3 poser ©Krissy's Imaging, 56 beautifuls element, 300 dpi, png format, and 6 papers. You can grab this kit here which is on 60% sale for only $1.70.
I enjoyed playing with this kit due to the fact that there are plenty of construction tools (which I don't even know what they called in English :)) to make cluster with. Also, the colour theme matches perfectly with my photos. Voila... these are my 2 pages :
Sunday, December 18, 2011
On Friday 16th, Marie has released two Christmas-Winter related kits. The first kit is called Visit to Santa. This kit is full of fun Christmas elements. It contains 16 papers, 60 unique elements and 1 alpha. You can grab it at only 1.99 $ at GS ~*~ DSDI ~*~ MyMemories
I used this kit to join the Studio "Sing me a Song" CHALLENGE, and this is my layout :
The second one is a more "traditional" kit called Christmas Love. This kit is made with realistic elements and contains a tint of yellow-gold. It contains 12 papers and 60 unique elements. You can grab it at GS ~*~ DSDI ~*~ MyMemories
Also, she is having a "Ready to Christmas" sale for all her Winter and Christmas kits! They are at 1.99 $ each until December 31st. So, hurry up... make sure you get this two gorgeous kits to scrap all your Christmas pictures...
I used this kit to join the Studio "Sing me a Song" CHALLENGE, and this is my layout :

Also, she is having a "Ready to Christmas" sale for all her Winter and Christmas kits! They are at 1.99 $ each until December 31st. So, hurry up... make sure you get this two gorgeous kits to scrap all your Christmas pictures...
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