Friday, January 13, 2012

Wilma4Ever : GJ-Kit Happy Camper by Galerie de Jackie

December last year, there was a Parent Gathering event held by Acha's kindergarten - TK Avicenna- as the end of the first semester special event. It was conducted at Kampung Bamboo, an outbound field at Padasuka near Saung Angklung Udjo. There, I took lots of pictures of Acha and Alyssa (she came along too, of course). This kit, GJ - Kit Happy Camper is just perfect to keep those memories alive.

It contains 3 poser ©cute n toonz, 110 beautifuls element, and 8 papers. So many elements you can find here, make this kit perfect to scrap your outdoor activities such as camping trip, beach holiday or picnic! Currently, it is on 60% sale from $5.00 to only $2.00. You can grab this kit at Wilma4ever.

Look what I made with this kit :


  1. It's really Nice work ! The kids really look happy, Wonderful!

  2. Thanks Patty and Jackie... Glad that you two like my layouts :)
