Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ginger Scraps : Home Cookin' by Connie Prince

Aa Asep and Teteh Lilis has gone home to Garut this Saturday. I was busy finishing layouts before Idul Fitri arrived the next day when I heard the girls shouting from the kitchen. They were assisting their dad cooking the last fasting break meal which was Cheese Fried Rice and Noddle Scramble Egg. At the same time, I found the Home Cookin' kit by Connie Prince. Yaay, what a match made in heaven.... I always love Connie Prince's collection of Word Arts, especially this one... just perfect!

Sst, I'm not really into cooking in the real life. I prefer collecting cooking and baking theme kits. Can you believe that I've already collect 5 kits from different designers : Marie H Designs, Galerie de Jackie, Aprilisa Designs, Meta Wulandari Designs and Connie Prince. No sign of stopping yet even though I haven't use some of them in my layouts :)

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